Instead of taking some time off like a sane person, I like to push pixels around to make weird shapes and colours. Sometimes those colours make sense and look like a book cover. A big shout out must go to Karen at Smiley Bird Designs for her graphic design mojo on the book. She also ripped apart one blurb after another until I had something that worked. So without further ado: For the first time in history, an empire of muskets and cannons is gaining ground in the war against living, breathing gods. Entire armies have been massacred in a conflict which, at times, seems to be absurdly worth it. Thousands of miles away, the principality of Moqara lies on the verge of being crushed by every neighbor around them. At the center of the crisis are reports that the empire has set its sights on acquiring the oasis city at any cost, convinced that it's trade lines may be the key to securing victory for the human race. A former resident, Kes, stumbles through the Moqaran desert, barely alive, carrying a message no one wants to hear: one of the gods wants to defect to the human side. It is not known who the message is intended for, and the only person who can vouch for Kes, Lazden Dadario of the Prince's Guard, doesn't trust a word she says. The book is so big it needs a map! A God Among Thieves is on pre-order now. Out 22 April. 99 cents for a huuuuge book! Click me to reserve your copy now!
Want to read the first chapter to see if it's your kind of thing? Click me! And if you're interested in more of Karen's work, she does things like these: Comments are closed.
AuthorJackson Lear Archives
May 2024