It’s been an interesting couple of months. I have finally, finally published a book. I had planned on keeping this blog up to date with all of my usual banter, but then life got in the way. I started a new job with chaotic hours (where I sometimes start at 5:55am (aka the middle of night) and sometimes at 14:10). And then there was a mountain of work to do with book stuff, from learning how to make a cover page to getting all of the ISBNs and related tax stuff ... something had to give and the blog was the first to go.
So, about the books I’ve been working on. Here’s what you should know: What is the story about? Kingston Raine’s world is turned upside down in just one second as he goes from trying to rescue his girlfriend to waking up in Limbo ... utterly dead, and facing a baffled Grim Reaper who tells Kingston that he is completely fictional and didn’t even exist until just a few moments ago. Having never experienced this problem before, the Grim Reaper isn’t sure about what to do with his fictional celebrity. Lucifer has a few suggestions, but none of them are at all appealing. If that wasn’t bad enough, Limbo is facing an uprising designed to kick the Grim Reaper out of the realm, and news of Kingston’s death is exactly what the uprising needs to topple the Grim Reaper’s government. Before the day is even over Kingston finds a way to escape from Limbo, where he nearly loses his head to Macbeth, rescues Little John before Robin Hood can save the day, blunders his way through Aladdin, and does everything he can to get back to his own universe before Limbo’s bounty hunters can catch up to him. How do I know if I will like it? It’s a comedy with a very British sense of humour. If you like Blackadder, Red Dwarf, Monty Python, Black Books, then you’ll like this. If you like Harry Potter, the Discworld series, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the Princess Bride, then you’ll like this. If you like puppies, kittens, and tea-cup pigs, you’ll like this (those little critters don’t actually appear in the story). The paperback version is available now for US$11.99 through Amazon (click here to buy it!). The ebook version will be out in a couple of months for $2.99. Why the price difference? Because papery-goodness is more expensive than a digital version. What else should you know? Kingston Raine and the Grim Reaper is the first book in a series of five stories. It’s not one mammoth tale like a lot of fantasy stories, but rather each book is a different chapter in these character’s life, with a complete and finite resolution at the end. All five books will be published in 2014. What are the other four books about? Kingston Raine and the Bank of Limbo sees Kingston and his friends investigating something of an impossibility: someone has been murdered in Limbo, and all evidence points to a secret society working within the bank. Kingston Raine and the Arena of Chaos has Kingston and his friends competing in a giant gladiatorial slug-fest against teams from Hell in one mighty gambling competition. The point is not to win the fight, but to cheat as much as possible without getting caught. Kingston Raine and the Starlight Muse sees Kingston and his friends chasing after a muse who has escaped from Hell. Things rarely run smoothly when everyone falls for the merest suggestion from the muse in question. Kingston Raine and the Lost Angel pits Kingston against the fatherly instincts of Satan, as both learn that Satan has a son somewhere on Earth. Can Satan be distracted long enough so that everyone else can figure out what to do about hiding his kid? Can the afterlife survive the great unravelling of its origin? And can Kingston ever enjoy a quiet moment where the fate of Limbo does not rest on his shoulders? Comments are closed.
AuthorJackson Lear Archives
May 2024