Yes, I promised Raike 6 would be out in January, and here we are in May and it’s still not out yet.
What happened? I crashed from exhaustion. And not the Hollywood version of exhaustion where I end up in rehab. I just had a lot on my plate and was met with a great ‘ugh’ when it came to the final tweaks of Raike 6. And I am awesome at giving myself excuses. Even while I’m at work (doing something I really can’t be arsed with) I tell myself, “Today I’m going to work on Raike 6,” and then I get home, crash on the sofa, and work on another book entirely. Because it’s new, shiny, and fills me with joy. Most of the time I convince myself that I’ll do that for an hour and get back to Raike 6. And then it’s dinner time and I end up watching Taskmaster, Better Call Saul, or the Orville. Then comes the weekend and Raike 6 just feels like a chore so its been getting neglected. I’m really selling the excitement of this book, aren’t I? Also neglected – all my work emails, ads, promotions, updating my website … basically, everything crashed to a standstill and there weren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. I’ve had problems with my mailing list being transferred, the website going down, and lots of fires that need to be put out. And this is not to say that Raike 6 is done … it’s not. But it’s close. How close? It will definitely be out by next January. ;) Anyway, the new and shiny book is on pause until I get Raike 6 published. And I will get back to my emails soon and be less of a grumble bum with limited energy. I hope you are all well and thank you for the nice messages wondering if I’m dead. Comments are closed.
AuthorJackson Lear Archives
May 2024